A Facelift (Rhytidectomy) is a surgical procedure designed to smooth and firm the skin, providing a
fresh, youthful appearance. Throughout one’s life, the sun’s radiation, stress, gravity, and other factors cause
the skin to sag and fit more loosely. Areas of the face and neck, in particular around the jaw line, are
especially prone to the aging process. Though these changes are gradual, wrinkles and other signs of aging can
make individuals “feel older” than they really are.
Surgery for a facelift involves the contraction and realignment of facial and neck skin, and in some
instances the removal of excess fat deposits. A facelift is often performed in combination with other facial
cosmetic procedures and can be performed any time signs of aging begin to appear. However, patients are
generally in their forties or older when they elect to undergo this procedure.
Reasons for Considering a Facelift:
Sagging skin, muscles, and fat in the face and neck.
Excess skin and fat on the neck.
Sagging jaw line.
Crease lines along the nose, mouth, and chin.
General Procedure
The standard procedure for a facelift commonly involves making small incisions just inside the
hairline, following the contour in front of the ear, and continuing under the earlobe to the backside of the ear and
to the lower scalp. Tissue and fat deposits are separated, the skin is stretched and tightened, and any excess
skin is removed. If the neck line requires attention, an additional incision is made under the chin and the same
procedure is again followed. Minuscule stitches are used to close the incisions and to reduce any chance of
scarring. Metal clips or staples may also be utilized at the hairline.
A face lift may take several hours or longer depending on whether other cosmetic procedures are
completed at the same time. Sometimes other procedures may be performed in separate appointments. There
are several different facelift techniques that can be employed. Patients can discuss with their physician which
method is best for them when they come in for their consultation.
Recovery Process
Immediately after surgery, the face is fitted with bandages in order to decrease the recovery time
and to reduce swelling. Generally, post-operative instructions call for plenty of rest and limited movement in
order to speed up the healing and recovery process. The stitches, clips or staples are normally removed within a
week. Patients sometimes report some minor pain associated with surgery. Any discomfort can be treated
effectively with oral medication. While complications are rare, patients can minimize potential problems by carefully
following the directions given after the procedure.