Madelung Disease Treatment
Madelung Disease, also known as Multiple Symmetric Lipomatosis, or MSL, is a rare condition characterized by fat deposits or symmetrical growth of lipomas around the shoulders, neck, and upper body. Some may experience rapid growth of fatty deposits over the course of several months, while others may experience a slower progression over time. Madelung generally affects men with a history of alcohol abuse, those of Mediterranean descent, and individuals between the ages of 30-60 years old. However, non-alcoholics and women alike can also develop the disease. The exact cause of Madelung is unknown, but there may be a strong correlation between alcoholism and those who later develop the disease. Roughly 90% of those affected by Madelung have a history of alcohol abuse.
Like any other disease, Madelung signs and symptoms vary from person to person. One warning sign is the presence of fat deposits or lipomas on the left side of the body. These masses generally form on the left side of the body before the right, and are found near blood vessels and veins. The growth of these lipomas around the neck and shoulders can lead to excruciating pain and decreased mobility. Madelung Disease may also cause nerve damage and neurological complications such as difficulty swallowing, hoarseness or strained voice, fluctuations in heart rate and blood pressure, shortness of breath, and difficulty sleeping.
Madelung Disease is diagnosed based on a thorough physical examination and medical history review. Imaging studies such as a computed tomography (CT scan) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) also prove to be helpful. A MRI scan is a preferred method to detect lipomas and possibly a biopsy to confirm diagnosis.
Treatment of Madelung Disease:
- Historically, the removal of multiple fatty tumors result in multiple incisions, leaving the patient with a multitude of scars.
- Liposuction has been a less invasive option, however it is difficult to remove the whole tumor which commonly causes it to return.
- We have an innovative method, developed by Dr. Volshteyn to remove the fatty tumor utilizing ultrasonic destruction with minimal incisions. The tumor becomes a liquid consistency in this process and can be gently suctioned through the same small incisions.
Call us today to schedule your consultation 732-641-3350