At our surgical practice, we specialize in reconstructive surgical procedures, including skin grafting and the repair of complex soft tissue injuries. Atlantic Surgical Associates treats major injuries such as facial fractures, crushed limbs, and even amputations. We also provide soft tissue grafting for patients who are not happy with the aesthetics of the previously injured area.
Every person is unique in their genetic makeup and everyone heals differently. Tissue grafting is often used to treat extensive wounding or trauma, burns, and skin loss due to infection or disease. Healing after tissue grafting can be a lengthy process and it is important to adhere to all post-surgical instructions. Here are some home-care tips patients can follow for optimal healing after a skin graft.
Keeping the Surgery Site Clean and Dry
It is important after a major procedure to have someone to assist you during the recovery process. The first step is to ensure that you keep the site clean to reduce the risk of infection. During this time period, you will need to keep the surgical dressing in place to soak up any fluids that leak from your wound. The dressing should remain in place for as long as our surgeons recommend. You may be asked to come back to the office for a follow-up visit, and the doctor may instruct you to not change your dressing until then. It is important not to let the dressing get wet so when you shower, wrap the dressing with plastic wrap or other waterproof material. Please follow all of our surgeons recommendations closely regarding dressing changes and showering instructions.
Several Days of Rest
As your wound heals, you will need several days of rest. You may elevate the wound to reduce swelling but do so while sitting or lying down, using pillows to prop up the area. Avoid major movements like stretching that can injure the graft. Be sure to avoid any exercise during your healing period. Our doctors will advise you on when will be the best time to return to these activities.
Pain Relievers and Itchiness
As your wound heals, it may become itchy. Be sure to not scratch or pick at the site. If you feel any pain, take all medicines or pain relievers as directed. You may apply an ice pack over the dressing to help with any swelling, but be sure to keep the site dry during the process.
After the Bandage is Removed
Once the dressing is removed, the wound can be left uncovered. If the area is covered by clothing, be sure to protect it with a bandage to prevent irritation. Do not apply any creams or lotions to the wound but if it is exposed to the sun, apply SPF 30 or higher sunscreen.
Proper healing from a soft tissue graft is an essential part of ensuring an aesthetic result. For more information about our procedures, contact Atlantic Surgical Associates today!